Good moment to you!
If you’re looking for
you’ve come to the right place.
I’m Rhonda Magee
I am dedicated to increasing understanding and collaboration across differences. Together, let us open up the space for change, growth and caring action in a multicultural world, through socially-engaged mindfulness.
New to Mindfulness?
Here’s help exploring whether it might work for you.
The benefits of a regular mindfulness practice — increased focus, reduced stress, greater health and wellbeing, and more joy — can be yours, starting right now. Learn how to meditate and establish a regular meditation practice.

Mindful Connecting?
Here’s help shifting from internal to external mindfulness.
We live a radically diverse world. And yet, we have never developed the intentional kinds of technologies that address in deep ways what it means to bring people together in the face of conflict, and across differences in culture and values. Explore how mindfulness and compassion can help.
Mindful Teaching?
Here’s support for doing just that.
Whether for working in K-12, at the University level, or in any of a growing number of informal educational spaces, mindfulness offers a range of benefits to enhance learning, improve connections, and deepen wellbeing — whether in the classroom, in online sessions, or in other teaching and learning spaces and communities — with the potential to enhance your current offerings to maximize depth, buy-in, and reach.

Rhonda’s Ted Talk!
Sponsored by TEDxMarin in California, and filmed at her home in San Francisco during the pandemic, in this inspiring presentation, Rhonda shares how mindfulness really can support the work of creating more diverse and equitable workplaces, and, how awakening to social awareness can deepen your mindfulness. She uplifts mindfulness as a tool for illuminating a path each of us can follow to a life filled with far greater awareness of the role of race in our lives, as a means of deepening connection, and experiencing more meaning and joy.
On Revolutionary Mindfulness
What’s love got to do with this? And what about rage, grief and despair? In this panel conversation for TEDxSanDiego, Rhonda offers shining reflections on how practicing Revolutionary Mindfulness may be the key to emotional agility, hopeful connection and political action with others in times of darkness.
Meditation Support
Enjoy a moment of mindfulness right now. Join Rhonda here for a guided meditation, and experience for yourself the benefits of mindfulness meditation as a means of enhancing feelings of groundedness, calm, clarity and connection. Click on Events to learn where you may join Rhonda in-person and online. And click on Work With Rhonda to be the first to know about retreats, community practice sessions, and other opportunities to deepen your mindfulness practice and connect with others, all with Rhonda’s compassionate support.
See MeditationsRhonda has provided mindfulness-based support to a broad range of workplaces, Universities and other communities. Here are just a few:

She’s presented Keynotes, Workshops and other offerings at a wide range of Colleges and Universities, including Arizona State University, Brown University, Columbia University School of Law, University of California at Berkeley, Duke University, Emory University, Georgetown University, Harvard Medical School, the University of Michigan, Stanford University School of Law, the University of Virginia, the University of Wisconsin, Wheaton College, and many more…